私も初めての受験です。答えあわせしませんか。 覚えているかぎりこんなんでした。 歳の差カップルの話 the mere fact、more reliable、a new Porche この仮説は単に経済力や遺伝子上の話ではない。 7語の前後の語はforとit(matches betweenのとこ) prevailingの同意語はwidely accepted figuresはthinks、comparableと同じ意味はsimilar タクシーの話は the wayとtwice as much notorious behaviorの説明が 深夜料金が加算される時間帯前に客を取りたがらない タクシーが路上からいなくなってしまうこと as one=a cause 離婚の話の和訳は、 アメリカ合衆国の多くの州のように「和解しがたい相違」の ために離婚できることに慣れている人にはショッキングなこと になるだろう 裁判所が離婚を認めるか、認めるならどの条件かを決める。 分割払い(installment) 靴べらshoehorn、ノーベル物理学賞Nobel prize in/for physics 鬼ごっこbarleybrake/tag、万引きshoplifting 手荷物預かり所cloakroom、占いfortune-telling 屋台stall、拒否権veto、炊飯器rice cooker 大学院graduate school 銭湯の説明 訪日促進の英訳 It is very important for Japan to establish a better cooperative relationship with other countries...
Some people, especially some young people, tend to judge people only by their looks. On the one hand, this kind of person likes to mix with good-looking people. On the other, they don't think that people who look plain are worth knowing. You might think this is my prejudiced idea. But I believe it's true because it's based on my own experiences. I've been treated unequally the past six years just because I am ugly. I used to have many good friends in my hometown. But I've never had anyone to talk to since I came to Tokyo six years ago, and since then I've had not a few experiences that make me realize that I am an ugly man and that people look down on me for my looks. For example, almost every time I receive my change from a cashier at a covenience store, believe it or not, he or she(in most cases a young woman) drops the change on my palm just to avoid touching my hand.
Here is another example; I was interested in some clubs at my university. There were English conversation clubs. One day, I visited one of them at its clubroom. As soon as I opened door and looked into the room, a good-looking woman walked up to me and before I could say anything she told me that it was not advisable for me to join the club if I hoped to study English. After a few seconds, I found myself surrounded by other club members. Then the good-looking woman went on to tell me that though they were supposed to study English at the club, they just wanted to enjoy themselves all the time by holding parties, going on trips,etc. Soon I understood the tacit meaning of what she said :No place for the ugly. Then I visited other clubs, and their answers were almost the same. It's true that I am an ugly man and I know what I deserve. But what gives them the right to despise me for my looks?